The regulator has suggested that all the SIM-based Machine-to-Machine connections using 10-digit mobile numbering series should be shifted to the 13-digit numbering series allocated by Telecom Department for M2M communication at the earliest.
It has also recommended that a revised and new National Numbering Plan (NNP) should be issued at the earliest.
The Telecom Department had asked Trai to furnish its recommendations on the strategies of National Digital Communications Policy which also talks of “ensuring adequate numbering resources, by developing unified numbering plan for fixed line and mobile services.”
Accordingly, the telecom sector watchdog had issued a consultation paper in this regard and had followed its up with an open house discussion to seek stakeholders’ views, after receiving written comments. Trai has recommended that “migration to unified numbering scheme which involves large scale changes in the existing network is not recommended at this stage”.
“However, sufficient numbering resources can be made available for fixed line/ mobile services through alternative methods…,” it said. Trai suggested that sparingly used sub-levels in level ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, and ‘6’, should be withdrawn after seeking sub-level wise utilization from the operators providing fixed line services.
“Levels/ sub-levels allocated to some fixed line telecom service providers who have not launched their services even after one year of allocation, may also be withdrawn after seeking justification. These withdrawn levels should be reserved for future allocations for fixed line service providers,” it said.
It recommended that the mobile numbering resources surrendered by operators who have closed down their wireless operations, may be re-allocated to players who need more numbering resources.